The poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) has already been mentioned in our previous article and if you followed the instructions your favorite winter plant got through the cold months. In this article we will discuss what you should do if your plant does not want to turn red.

At the beginning of January or February poinsettias begin to lose their leaves. Don’t panic, this is completely normal. Your plant is getting ready for its well deserved rest.

Gradually decrease the frequency of waterings, let the leaves wither and fall.

After the plant is leafless put on your gardening gloves and prune it at the height of 15 cm and put it in a partially shaded corner. Water it rarely – so it gets enough water for its roots not to dry out.

If you feel like it, during summer put it into a shaded corner of the garden- here it will get back its green leaves. Water it according to the weather and the precipitation.

If you don’t have a garden, let it rest in a dark corner of the flat. Water it every second week with just a bit of water.

At the end of the summer, but latest early in the autumn, when the weather begins to cool down, replant it into fresh soil and take it back into the flat.

And here comes the magic!

In order for the plain green leaves to become red again the plant needs darkness. The poinsettia is a short day plant – it only needs 8-12 hours of daylight. This is what turns its leaves eventually red.

If the leaves are in the light from 7AM to 6PM – the leaves will stay green.

The solution is simple. Put the plant into a dark room until 10-11 AM and then take it out. You can also cover with black cardboard to decrease the number of daylight hours.

The big secret is out: make sure that the poinsettia only gets 8-12 hours of daylight for 5-6 weeks. This way you can also time when it should turn red.

During the winter put the plant in a room that is not warmer than 18C and water it regularly – but do not overwater it.

Az idei Föld Napját egy különleges ajánlattal ünnepeljük: bemutatjuk nektek a Föld Napja Viráglabdamixet, ami egy limitált szériás különlegesség! Mindössze 50 doboz áll rendelkezésre, hogy megoszthassuk veletek ezt az izgalmas lehetőséget.

Ez a viráglabdamix a természet szerelmeseinek és a kertészkedés rajongóinak készült, akik arra vágynak, hogy egy kis színt és életet csempésszenek környezetükbe, miközben támogatják a helyi ökoszisztémát.

A Föld napja viráglabda most akciós áron kapható, a készlet erejéig! Kattints ide!